
We offer three possibilities of services in the Audiovisual field.


"Pfeiffer Cultural" provides training (face to face and distance) in legislation, executive production, project development and strategies for companies and professionals in the audiovisual market. We also work with career guidance (coaching), highlighting opportunities for those who want to know more about the audiovisual market.



Planning, management, and identification of opportunities are topics covered by "Pfeiffer Cultural". We offerconsulting to cultural institutions, government agencies, companies and audiovisual projects, with the possibility of face-to-faceassistance and / or by distance.



The event planning requires specific knowledge of the market and identifying potential market niches. In this sense, "Pfeiffer Cultural" offers advice on the concept and the schedule of events, as well as assists the contacts with professionals and institutions.



Some projects that we have already developed or participated.

About Audiovisual

We live nowadays surrounded by screens and audiovisual content at home, in shops, airports, restaurants, subway, airplanes and elevators.

The audiovisual market is rapidly growing and reserves promising job opportunities in different media such as film, television, video and mobile media. Also, the creative content production provides greater and more democratic offer to different segments.

In 2015,the Audiovisual Sectorial Fund(a special mechanism that invest funds in Brazilian film and TV production) had its drive limit authorized at $ 200 million dollars, to be allocated in production lines, distribution and exhibition.

"Pfeiffer Cultural" presents a new approach to the audiovisual market. Through consulting, training and events, we believe that producers and companies in the public and private sectors can better position themselves and gain a new perspective on the scenario of audiovisual convergence.

Daniela Pfeiffer

Daniela Pfeiffer

Founding member of "Pfeiffer Cultural". Daniela Pfeiffer is Master in Media and Communication and Specialist in Communication and Image by PUC-Rio. She was Director of Audiovisual Technical Center at the Ministry of Culture (CTAv), Executive Manager at Cine Odeon - Cultural Center Luiz Severiano Ribeiro, Project Coordinator in Brazilian Association of Independent TV Producers (BRAVI), Audiovisual Advisor at the Ministry of Culture, Project Analyst at the National Agency of Cinema (ANCINE), Digital Media Manager at Elo Company, and Coordinator of the Graduate Lato Sensu course "Audiovisual Production: Project and Business" at Senac São Paulo. Curator at the market Rio+Film Festival (London). Professor and speaker at various events such as Film Finance Forum (RJ) and Brazil TV Forum (SP).


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